How to Get Your Pokemon Card Graded

Hey there, fellow Pokemon enthusiasts! Ever wondered how to give your beloved Pokemon card the recognition it deserves by getting it graded? You're in the right place! In this article, we'll be your guide through the process, making sure your card shines with the grade it truly deserves.

Understanding the Grading Process for Pokemon Cards

If you're a collector who wants to safeguard the authenticity and value of your cherished Pokemon cards, understanding the grading process is key. First things first, choose a reliable grading service like PSA, Beckett, or CGC. Pack your card securely, fill out the paperwork, and let the professional graders work their magic. Your graded Pokemon card will then be sealed in a protective case, complete with a label detailing its grade and other essential info. This not only helps you understand its true value but also ensures it stays in pristine condition for years to come.

Steps to Prepare Your Card for Grading

Let's break it down - to get your Pokemon card graded, follow these steps:

  1. 1.) Give your card a once-over, checking for any imperfections.

  2. 2.) Show it some love by slipping it into a protective card sleeve.

  3. 3.) A little cleaning never hurt anyone - use a soft cloth to dust off any dirt.

  4. 4.) Fill out that submission form from PSA or Beckett.

  5. 5.) Secure your card in a card saver for a safe journey.

  6. 6.) Ship it off to the grading company with the form and payment.

  7. 7.) Now, the hardest part - waiting for your graded card to return, nestled snugly in its protective case.

By following these steps, you're ensuring your Pokemon card is all set for grading, giving it a boost in the collectibles market.

Choosing the Right Grading Service

Choosing the right grading service is like picking the perfect Pokeball for your card. PSA, Beckett Grading Services, and CGC are all excellent choices, each with its own perks. Dive into research, considering factors like turnaround time, cost, and grading report detail. The right choice can make a world of difference in your card's authenticity and value.

Tips for Maximizing Your Card's Potential Grade

Eager to see your Pokemon card shine with a top-notch grade? Ensure it's in mint condition - no visible wear or damage. Safeguard it in a sleeve and toploader, clean it gently, and package it securely. Research the grading company's guidelines for a high grade. By following these tips, you're giving your card the VIP treatment it deserves.

Understanding the Value of Graded Pokemon Cards

Graded Pokemon cards aren't just cards; they're treasures. By choosing a reputable grading company, packaging your card securely, and understanding the grading process, you're adding value and authenticity to your collection. Graded Pokemon cards often fetch higher prices on the market, thanks to their certified condition and authenticity.


In conclusion, getting your Pokemon card graded is an investment that pays off in authenticity and increased value. From understanding the grading process to choosing the right service, preparing your card, maximizing its grade potential, and grasping its value, these steps ensure your cherished card receives the recognition it deserves. Whether you're a serious collector or just want to preserve your favorite card, follow these steps, and you'll navigate the world of graded Pokemon cards like a true Pokemon Master.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I get my Pokemon cards graded?

Getting your Pokemon cards graded adds value and authenticity to your collection while preserving their condition.

What is the grading process for Pokemon cards?

Send your card to a professional grading service for assessment on factors like condition, centering, and flaws.

Can any Pokemon card be graded?

Not all cards are eligible; criteria must be met in terms of condition and authenticity.

Can I submit a whole collection of Pokemon cards for grading?

Yes, you can submit multiple cards either individually or as part of a bulk submission package.

Can graded Pokemon cards be removed from their cases?

While possible, it may compromise their value and authenticity.

Is it worth the cost to get Pokemon cards graded?

Depends on your goals; if you seek increased value and protected condition, it's worth the investment.

What should I do if my graded Pokemon card receives a lower grade than expected?

Reach out to the grading service to inquire about the reasons or potential re-evaluation processes.

Can I sell my graded Pokemon cards for a profit?

Graded cards often have a higher resale value, making them a potentially profitable investment.

Do Japanese and English Pokémon cards undergo the same grading process?

Yes, the grading process is generally the same for both Japanese and English Pokémon cards. Professional grading services evaluate factors such as condition, centering, and flaws.

How does the availability of Japanese and English cards impact their grading value?

The rarity and availability of Japanese cards can contribute to their perceived value in the grading market. English cards, being more widely available, may have a different market dynamic, impacting their grading value differently.

Do grading companies have separate guidelines for Japanese and English Pokémon cards?

Grading companies typically have universal guidelines for assessing the condition of cards, regardless of language. However, collectors should always refer to the specific guidelines provided by the grading service they choose.

Is it more challenging to get Japanese cards graded compared to English cards?

The process of getting Japanese cards graded is similar to English cards. However, the challenge may lie in obtaining Japanese cards, as they are primarily sold in Japan, requiring collectors outside the country to rely on importing or online marketplaces.

Can you submit Japanese and English Pokémon cards together for grading?

Yes, you can submit a mix of English & Japanese Pokémon cards together for grading. Grading companies generally accept cards of different languages in the same submission.